BOOKS OF REntainics. — Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench, 1898
(Dean and Co., 7s. 6d.), appears in its usual form, and is as accurate as ever.—The same may be said of The Constitu- tional Year Book, 1898 (Conservative Central Offices), which still remains the best of the political almanacs. Its political notes and Parliamentary summary show very capable editing. —Walford's four little volumes, each at is., dealing with the Lords and the Commons, the Knights and the Baronets, are brought up to date. They give a wonderful amount of concise information, and the print is clear and good.—As military refer- books, we may note, The Handbook of British Military Stations Abroad (Sampson Low and Co.), and AU the World's Fighting Ships (same publishers, 10s. 6d. net). The military book is a very practical work. It gives hints as to the climate of the station under discussion, and notes the kind of clothes that are required. The naval book has a picture as well as a description of each ship.