ZAMBR A SIR,—I am intrigued by Clive Barnes's approach to his
responsibility as ballet critic to the Spectator. He writes that he is not qualified to give an authoritative opinion on Spanish dancing—and then proceeds to slam the daylights out of Zambra. Zambra has two great male gipsy dancers (Juan Maya and Antonio Heredia), two excellent dan- seuses, great came jondo singers and one of the greatest living guitarists. No less important is that the whole show is based on classical improvisation (as in India)—so much more exciting and varied than the cheap gimmicks which lower the impact of even the best of the Spanish companies which go the rounds. I hope readers of the Spectator will refuse to be put off by Mr. Barnes and see for themselves the power, variety and beauty of Zambra's pre- sentation of the great Orien'tal traditions of Anda- lusian dancing and music—so much older than the corresponding European classical traditions.—Yours faithfully,