Archie's achievement
From Mr Alistair B. Cooke Sir: John Redwood was indeed remorseless in pursuing the issues raised by Lord Simon's appointment as a minister (Politics, 5 February). Archie Norman, by contrast, congratulated the government on appoint- ing him along with that other remarkable captain of industry, Geoffrey Robinson. He vouchsafed to the Taller the insight that the country needed 'non-political politicians' like him, who bring rare gifts to the tired old art of the possible. He enlisted the services of a Liberal Democrat in Conservative Cen- tral Office, having sacked the party's distin- guished chief agent. Who praises him for successfully completing the reorganisation of the party machine, the first political task that William Hague gave him?
Businessmen who exhibit contempt for party politics are unlikely to fulfil its pecu- liar but ruthless requirements.
Alistair Cooke
68 St George's Square, London SW1