19 JANUARY 1833, Page 1


HE answer Of' the King of the Netherlands to the proposals of ranee and England has-been received. The terms in which it is' nveyed are conciliatory ; but it is evident that his Dutch Majesty ishes still to temporize, and is not sincere in his professions of nxiety to bring the matters in dispute to a speedy settlement e proposes to treat with the Five Powers,—although he knows decay well that the Conference is virtually dissolved, and that ussia formally withdrew from it. The terms which he proposes the basis of a treaty are the following-

" The free navigation of the Scheldt, with a moderate duty. .

" The free passage of the Rhine and Meuse. according to the Tariff of Mentz. " The payment of 8,400,000 florins, by Belgium, as its share of the interest F the debt, with further provisions for its final:settlement.

" The reduction of the Belgian army to a peace establishment, with a pro- Ise that satisfactory arrangements will be made for the reduction of his

" The evacuation of the forts in the Scheldt in three weelts,after the ratia.ea.. ion of the treaty, and a reference of the question of Luxembourg to theFive owers and the Confederation." .

. It is clear that the King of Holland'aims at obtaining as favour- 110 terms as when ha was in possession of: the.Citadel of Ant- erp„ and was to be bribed to ti.-i-ver it up. But-now that erii is in the and. is 'ort's on tli( anks of thoSchel 4111. 9.1BI Liefkenshoek, according to King ILLIAM'S own peso], .are to be given up to them also, the utch haVe no claim to the atchisive right of -levying a toll on e ships which enter the river. The expenses Of the French ex- edition will also be deducted, it is presumed, from the Belgian hare of the debt. It is clear that the disarmament of the Dutch and Belgian troops should be simultaneous, and the King of olland should riot be permitted to retain the two forts as a secu- ty.(for which Belgium possesses no equivalent) for the due per- rmance of the treaty. Meanwhile, English and French vessels re prevented from entering the Scheldt. How long this state of hings will be permitted to continue, now that the King of Holland as recommenced negotiating, remains to be seen. The Prtissian rmy of observation has received orders to return to their usual antonments in Westphalia. If the King Of Holland is capable f being undeceived as to the real intentions of his despotic al- ms, surely their late conduct must have convinced him that they have not the least intention' of going to war with France or England on his account.