The Calcutta, Watson, from Liverpool to Calcut; a, baying struck on the Blackwater Rocks, and become diQmasted, was abandoned by her eiew. She lies since been car- ried into Waterford by the Marquis of Wellesley steam-boat, having been got of the rocks by Captain Hutchinson of the Coast Guard.
The General Palmer, Cotgrave, has . put back to Calcutta to discharge, havIng sus- tained considerable damage.
Arrived—Off Plymouth, Jan..10,Diadem, Walker, :rom Manilla. At Liverpool, 1304 Patriot King, Finder, irom Bengal. At St. Helena, Dee. 3d, Abberton, Shuttleworth, from Mrdras. 4th. Caroline, Fewson, from Mauritius; and Orissa, Todd, from Cal- cutta. At Benl-al, Sept. 6th, Mary, Dobson, from London. 7th, Lord Eldon, Dawson ; 9th, Collingswood Snipe; and Bounty Hall. Jackson. from Liverpool. 10th, Euphrates, Buchan; 15th, Resoerce, Warren ; and 20th, Alexander, Waugh, from London. At Manilla, June 21st, John Bigger, M'Beath, from Loudon. At New South Wales, July 16th, Sophie Setts, from Liverpool; and 20th, Elizabeth, Currie, from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 112ih. Orontes, Currie, for Madras. 14th, H. C. S. Bombay, Kellaway ; 15th, ditto, Marquis of Huntley, Eine ; Inglis, Dudman; Dnko of York, Locke; and Duke of Sussex, Whitehead, all for China; and 16th, Chambers, for the Cape.