Apparatus has lately been constructed in Brompton Church for the
purpose of warming it with hot air; and, in order to guard against acci- dent by fire, a wall was built round the furnace. The man employed
in the structure, which is formed of bricks and Roman cement, con- tinued steadily at his svork by the light of a candle until it was com- plete ; and it N-as not until he had inserted the last brick (on Saturday last), and was as perfectly " built in" as ever an unhappy martyr in the days of persecution, that he discovered his error, and remembered he wes working within the circle instead of out. His first impulse was to pull out the last few bricks, and thus make himself a place of exit ; but it was now too late, the cement had already hardened, and defied all his efforts to undo. In this distressing dilemma he remained for a con- siderable time, calling in vain for help. His pitiable situation was at length discovered by one of the churchwardens and the sexton, who, after considerable difficulty, succeeded in extricating him from his im- prisonment. • Notwithstanding- the declaration of Mr. Long Wellesley's solicitors, that all that gentleman's servants had been paid their wages in full, several of them have appeared at the Marlborough Street ()nee and declared that considerable sums are still due to them. The chamber- maid has written a letter to the Editor of the Times, stating. that Alia 'Wellesley owes her 228/. for wages, &c. and for Ramey borrowed of her !
Among the persons who applied on Friday last to the overseers of the parish of St. Mary, Whiteehapel, for parochial relief, was Mrs. Austin, the mother of 'William Austin. The latter, it will be recol- lected, had become very conspicuous, sonic years ago, in consequence of the notice taken of him by the late Queen Caroline, who bad made him her prottly6, and coaeerning whose birth, parentage, &c., an inquiry before the Privy Council was instituted. From the statement of the applicant, it appeared that her husband had for some years held a situa- tion in his :Majesty's Customs ; but, being of most profligate and ex- travagant habits, he lived beyond his income ; and having died a short time since, left the applicant and his daughter, a girl of fifteen years of age, in great distress. The applicant used every effort to support her- self and daughter, but all having failed, she was obliged to apply for parochial relief. The officers contributed to her immediate necessities, and gave directions to brueman, the beadle, to inquire into her situa- tion.—Ati■raing aroniele.
An inquest was held on Wednesday at Brunswick Terrace, Ball's Pond, Islington, upon view of the bodies of Anne Styrian, an elderly woman, and John Dickson, a child, three months old. The woman Slymm was in the habit of taking young children to nurse, and bad the care of six at the time in question. On Sunday morning, in consequence of some alarm that Mrs. Slynim was supposed to be ill, a neighbour entered her room, and found her apparently in the agonies of death. Medical aid was immediately procured, but she died in a short time ; and, on lifting her body for the purpose of performing the 'ism.1 offices, the child John Dickson was found underneath her, quite deeds and appearing to have been so for some hours. From the position in which the bodies were found, it seems that the child must have been
clasped in the arms of the poor old woman at the time when she was seized with a fit, and that, in the agony of the attack, she had lain upon it in such a way as to produce suffocation. Two surgeons, who were called in, pronounced that the woman died of apoplexy, and that the infant died from suffocation produced by external pressure. Another singular fact was mentioned—namely, that when tbe persons burst open the door, another child, eighteen months old, whom Mrs. Slymm had under her care, was playing at " cock-horse" upon the poor old woman's hack.
On Sunday afternoon, as Mr. J. Williams, of Shepperton Street, Islington, going from Tottenham to his house in a gig, was leading his pony slowly up the bill, near the Coach and Horses, Stoke /siewington, five young men of low appearance came round him, and made various remarks—suCh as, " Sir,'your pony is very groggy." Some of them got before the pony; and .Mr. Williams, fearing some violence, com- menced flogging them. While so doing, those behind him cut his great- coat pocket, from which a pocket-book was taken, containing two 20/.
notes, with which they escaped. Mr. Williams has offered a reward of 40/. for their apprehension.—Times. [Was Mr. J. Williams "groggy,"
as well as his pony ? To commence flogging "five young men of low appearance," is rather a singular proceeding on the part of a solitary traveller, "who "feared some violence.")
Yesterday‘niorning, about half-past six o'clock, a daring and exten- sive robbery was committed at the house of Mr. Emanuel, the jeweller, in Lamb's Conduit Street, near Theobald's Road. The thieves con- trived to slide one of the shutters from underneath the iron bar with which they were secured ; they then managed to cut a square of plate glass, of great substance ; and stole from the window jewellery to the amount of upwards of 2004 amongst which were 120 gold rings. In- formation has been forwarded to all the Police-offices, but at present there is not the slightest clue to the thieves.
In consequence of a fatal accident which lately happened to a porter, named 13eevan, from the large iron gates at the back of the New Post Office falling on him, the Duke of Richmond has called the attention of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, under whose directions the works were carried on, to the dangerous state of all the gates; and proper alterations will speedily be made.