steadily these ten years past. The total number of vessels
is 219, - amounting to 23,681 tons. Last year a number of fine vessels owned at this port were lost; these; however, have been replaced by new '-ones. Of the above number sixty vessels, measuring 13,554 tons, - averaging 225 tons to each ship, are employed in the foreign commerce -of this place ; and the remaining 159 vessels averaging sixty tons each, -in the coasting and cross-channel trade. —.71u/din Mercantile Register.
We learn with regret the reappearance in Tralee of that dire pesti- lence cholera, three cases of which have occurred since Monday, and all terminated fatally. The Board of Health are on the alert, and no new -easel:ars been reported since. Cholera is raging in the town of Donegal. , Cholera partially exists in the city of Waterford, where four deaths occurred this week. Cholera has totally disappeared from Tarbert. In Listowel it is on the decline, but there was a case or two in Shana- „golden. Cholera is on the decline in Tipperary : there are only seven .”: or eight patients in hospital, and a case or two daily. Up to yesterday, . there were eight cases and seven deaths of cholera at Shanagolden.— ...Limerich Chronicle.