Copy of the Ministerial circular to the members of the
House of Commons, on the opening of the Session— "Downing Street. 8th January 1833. i
"Sir—Parliament will meet on the 29th instant, and mmediately proceed to the election of the Speaker. The other business of the Session will not, however, com- mence till the beginning of the following week. I have taken the liberty to give you this information, and, at the same time, beg leave to request your early attendance, as matters of importance must be brought under the consideration of the House at the commencement of the Session. ' "I have, Sm.
(Signed) " ALTHORP.
The Duke of Sussex was sufficiently recovered on Tuesday to pre- side at a meeting of the Royal Society. -
Within the last few days, a correspondent informs us, a number of workmen and first-rate artists have been employed in putting Clare- mont, the seat of his Majesty the King of Belgium, into proper re- pair.—Morning Chronicle. •
King Leopold and his bride, with two brothers of her Majesty, talk -of visiting England in the Spring. The Queen is officially announced as being with child.
The Queen, of Spain has subscribed 20/. towards the fund for erect- ing,a pnb)ic Mdnument to the memory of Sit Walter Scott. '
A report 'has been going the round of the papers for some time past, that his Grace the Duke of Wellington had broken up his establish- ement, previously to, and with the intention of, going abroad. We have -already contradicted a rumour on this subject, which had found its way -accidentally into our own columns ; and we are now enabled in the most positive manner to repeat this contradiction, having obtained authentic i
information that no such reduction has taken place n any branch of his Grace's household.—Morning Post.
The Marquis of Douro, accompanied by Sir Robert Wilson, left Antwerp a few days since, for Dunkirk, to pay their respects to old Chasse.
By the sudden death of Lieutenant-Colonel E. M. W. Greswolde, -of the 6th Regiment (or Enniskillen) Dragoons, the gift of that com- mission reverts to Lord Grey. Within five months, this gentleman purchased this Lieutenant-Coloncley from Lord George Lennox for twenty thousand pounds !—Herald. [A Lieutenant- Colonelcy of Dragoons must be a capital thing. Clothing and rations for dead men help undoubtedly to make up the five per cent, for the twenty thousand pounds paid for the commission. Our army is by far the most ex- pensive in the world ; and every now and then we obtain an insight into the real, though commonly concealed causes of its being so.]
A dividend amounting to 20,000/. was last week paid amongst the creditors of Prince Esterhazy. The remaining balance is to be paid within six months. The return of the Prince is again uncertain.— Morning Post.