19 JANUARY 1833, Page 9

We have received Charleston Papers to the 20th ult., by

the Nimrod, arrived on Saturday. President Jackson's proclamation had reached that city. It had, as a matter of course, excited an extraordinary sen- sation in the minds of all classes. The Nullifiers seem not, if we may judge from their newspaper organs, to have been either intimidated by' the threats of the President, or convinced by his able and statesmanlike reasoning. The Unionists, however, had availed themselves of the promulgation of the proclamation, to endeavour to arrest the march of treason. They had drawn up ajudicious protest against the measures of the Nullifiers, and it had received the signatures of nearly two hun- dred of the most respectable men in the state of South Carolina. The Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania had denounced the conduct of the Nullifiers as treasonable, and declared its resolution to support the General Government in its measures to put down the rebellion and preserve the Union from dissolution.—Liverpool Albion.

Commercial advices from New York state, that the arrivals during the month of November at that port amounted to 539 vessels ; of which 33 were from Great Britain or her Colonies. The number of steerage passengers during that period was 1,037; of which 902 were English or Irish, and 135 French. With respect to the recent treaty of com- pensation with Naples, it seems that eight of the vessels confiscated by the Napoleon Government of Naples belonged to that port, and that the value of the cargoes, exclusive of that of the ships, was 687,000 dollars. The total number of American vessels confiscated was 47, estimated at 4,000,000 dollars ; of which a large portion belonged to the state of Massaehusets. The money obtained by these seizures was appropriated by Napoleon to defray the expenses of his expedition to Spain. The total amount recovered by the United States of the Nea- politan Government is very near 1,800,000 dollars.