The exportation of gold continues, and a large amount has been &spa:el:LA in the early part of this week to Paris. The demand for bullion is also consider- able at Hamburg, and in the North of Europe generally ; and we doubt not that a considerable amount would be exported thither, but that the owners of the steam-vessels are unwilling to take it in consequence of the risk attendant upon landing it in the present frozen state of the Elbe. The Bank of England un- til lately have refused to sell gold in bars, to merchants ; forcing them to take sovereigns, which are not so suitable for exportation, as they subject the ex- porter to the cost of melting on arrival at Paris or Hamburg. This refusal to sell the gold bars, was understood to have arisen from a wish on the part of the Bank to throw all the impediments in their pow in the way of the exporta- tion of the precious metals ; and the recent departure from such a course is be- lieved to have been occasioned by the anxiety of the Directors to lessen their stock of bullion, which has for some time been inconveniently large.
There has been but little business in the English Fluids. Consols had im-
proved 4 per cent. ; but have to-day given way TIDED StOCk has fluctuated "uetween 2564 and 2574 (ex. div.); and Bank stock has been steady at 203. India Bonds are 64s. prem., and Exchequer Bills have improved to 70s. prem. In the Foreign Market, the rumoured settlement of the Belgian question has given increased currency to the Northern European Stocks. Russian Five per Cents, have improved from 1134 to 1144. Butch Two-and-a-half per Cents, have improved to 54A ; but have since receded about per cent. Bra- zilian has been steady. The other South American Stocks have been in de- mand ; Columbian having been as high as 294. Mexican had been at 25/. Portuguese Bonds have been a favourite stock with the speculators, and have been carried nearly 4 per cent, above our last prices : the improvement has been the greatest in the Five per Cents. (Regency,) which have risen from 33 to 36A. The Three per Cents, have not improved so much ; the highest price at which they have been quoted being 24, which is an improvement of about 2 per cent, upon our last prices. Spanish Stock has been favourably affected by the proceedings of the French Chambers, and the price has improved more than 1 per cent.: the quotation yesterday reached as high as 183, but the price has to-day receded to 17/ and closes at 18A. The formation of a commission to examine the commercial svstem of Spain, nail a view to its amendment, is considered a favourable omen ror the holders of Spanish Stock, as it is believed that if the principles of free trade are once adopted, the custom-duties will he considerably augmented, and a new source of revenue opened to the embarrassed and bankrupt Government of Madrid.
The transactions of the Railway Share Market have been chiefly confined to Blackwell and Brighton; which have been in demand at higher prices. An improvement has also occurred in Croydon ; but the business transacted has not been extensive.
The English Stock Market is much heavier, and prices are nearly 4 per cent. lower than yesterday. Consols opened at 924 4 for Account, and 921 for Money, and have been done at 924 for Money, but have not yet been at 924 for Account. Exchequer Bills are the same. No quotation of either Bank or India Stock. In the Foreign Market, Dutch and Belgian Stocks are heavy, the former being at 544 4, and the latter at 984 994. South American are also flatter; Brazilian 774 4; Columbian 284 29; Buenos Ayres 17 19; Peruvian 16 17. Portuguese Bonds are lower, Five per Cents. 3546, Three per Cents, 224 3. Spanish Active is, however, firmer ; and having been 184 buyers, is now 1844. No variation in the Railway Shares.
Consols close at 928 for Money, and buyers at 024 for the Account. In the Foreign Market, some consideraIde business has occurred in Dutch Two-and-a- half per Cents., which have been at 544; at which price an eminent broker purchased 280,000 guilders. The market has since given way, and the closing price may be quoted at 544 4. Portuguese Bonds close lower ; the Five per Cents. 354 4, Three per Cents. 224. Spanish Stock is the same, and closes at 184 4. 3 per Cent. Consols ..ex dit. 924' 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 77 4 I
Ditto for Account 75/ 6
3 per Cent, Reduced 821 i Danish 3 per Cents 934 i Dutch 24 per Cents 54* 4 New 34 per Cent. Anus 100 4 Portuguese liegency Spec Cts. 351 6 - Ditto 3 per Cent 224 3
Bank Shags India St, .ck - Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 114 .4 Ditto Bemis -- Spanish (1835) Spar Cent.... 181 1
Exchequer Bills 68 70pm Deferred Stock 74 t Belgian 5 is Cents 99 Passive Ditto 4 41