THE anniversary festival of this Society was held on Thursday evening, at Freemason's Tavern: the attendance was very numerous, and a large proportion of the company took part in the performances. Sir JOHN ROGERS was in the chair ; and the worthy Vice-President, JOHN CAPEI1 Esq., was also present. On the right of the President was the Duke of CAMBRIDGE ; who, we observed, joined the singers efficiently and eon amore. The health of the President was proposed by Lord Sarroux, and the-toast was received most cordially by the company. In return- ing thanks, Sir JOHN ROGERS said-" There may be smile who will ask, if' it be possible that in the year 1839 there cau be a society who take delight in the compositions of two hundred years ago. To such I would answer, that we do not value them front any exclusive love of anti- quity, but rather consider their longevity as a test of excellence." When the Duke of CAMBRIDGE had occasion to return thanks, he ob- served, that "he had often heard of the Madrigal Society ; but, though reports often exceeded the reality, he must say, that what he had heard had greatly exceeded all that he had been led to expect : these ancient compositions were the root of all good music." We have only space to subjoin the list of pieces ; which furnishes rich specimens of every variety of style.
l'AltT I.
" BOW thiuo ear" (Mutett, 5 Voe.) W. BYRD, 1590.
" :sly mistrtas is its lair as line" J. BENNE'r, 1600.
" Sweet Philoniel" J. WARD, 1613.
" Dar bonny limits" T. Mom.xv, 1597.
"In lire's gay morn" Dn. Ten, 1553. " Cynthia, thy song and chanting" GUM. CROCE, 1590. "Why 'teat thou shout?" J. Wn.nva, 1598. PART n. Kyrie Eleison CLARI, 1700. " l'C.DV, 0 110W, I needs must part" J. DOWLA1VO, 1598. " Hurd by a crystal fountain" they. Caeca, 1580. "Come fungi:" LUCA MARENZIO, 1570. "April is in my mistress' face" T. Montav, 1594. " Dainty, white pearl" A. Ricer, 1570. " Now let us make" T. WEELKES, 1600. The Waits-" Fa, la, la l" JER. SAY1LLEI 1660.