A tradesman residing in High Street, Borough, complained to the
Magistrates at the Town-hall on Monday, that on Friday evening a large square of plate-glass had been broken in his window by a bullet, evidently fired from a pistol or air-gun. It was stated that similar outrages had been committed in the neighbourhood, and that the Police are endeavouring to detect the offenders.
An extensive seizure of illicit glass and the capture of several of the mantslmeturers were made on Saturday, at a house situate in Cooper's Court, St. Luke's, by Millen, Honeychurch, and Martin, the Excise- officers. Several men, who were engaged in the work at the time the consmbles pounced upon them, broke through the roof of the house and escaped. Four of the delinquents were, however, taken into custody, and in the course of the day taken before Mr. Codd, the Magistrate ; who committed them to the House of Correction for three months,