19 JANUARY 1839, Page 4

The Court of Exchequer, on Monday, refused to grant a

rule for a new trial to set aside a verdict for arrears of salary gained by Mr. Fraser, the singer, against Mr. Bunn.

The Judges met on Thursday morning, mid chose their Spring Cir- cuits as follows. Midland—Lord Denman, Mr. Justice Bosanquet; Norfolk—Lord Chief Justice Tindal, Mr. Justioe Vaughan; Home— Lord Abinger, Mr. Justice Littledale ; Northern—Mr. Baron Parke, Mr. Baron Alderson ; Oxford—Mr. Justice Patteson, Mr. Baron Bol- land's successor ; Western—Mr. Baron Gurney, Mr. Justice Erskine ; North Wales—Mr. Justice Williams ; South Wales—Mr. Justice Coleridge.

At a meeting of the Middlesex Magistrates, on Thursday, the resig- nation of the Reverend Mr. Ouseley, chaplain of the House of Correc- tion, was received. It was resolved by a majority of 38 to 26, that the salary of the new Chaplain should be 4007. it year ; and that he should "not hold any other clerical appointment, nor perform any public ser- vice without the walls of the prison."

Two candidates have already announced themselves for the Coroner- ship of Middlesex, vacated by the death of Mr. Stirling ; Mr. Burchell • and Mr. R. E. Arden. The election is in the freeholders. It is not known whether Mr. Wakley comes forward again, as he is at present .attending his father, who is ill in Devonshire.