PA.RLIAMENT • was opened on Thursday, with the usual ceremonies, the Speech from the Throne being read by the Lord Chancellor. It was, on the whole, pacific. Her Majesty describes recent attempts at negotiation, and hopes that they will lead to a termination of the war ; admits that neither belli- gerent has hitherto violated the conditions on which her neu- trality is founded, and promises that her attitude will continue the same ; but "she cannot conceal from herself that should hostilities unfortunately be prolonged, some unexpected occurrence may render it incumbent on her to adopt measures ef precaution." Such measures require adequate preparation, and her Majesty trusts to the liberality of Parliament. The Queen then refers to the famine in Southern India, promising ,precautions for the future, and mentions a series of local measures, such as the reform of county government, the prevention of cattle disease, the consolidation of the law respecting indictable offences, Irish intermediate education, and the Grand Jury law, and Scot- tish roads and bridges. The speech was considered in the City slightly unfavourable to peace, and sent down the Funds one- quarter per cent.