[TO TR/ EDITOR OF TH1 " snoriTon.1 Sin,—Your brief dissertation
in your last number on the vague indefiniteness of the sum of a "billion," reminds me of a story told by a clergyman in the North. He was returning home from a Bible-meeting, in his one-horse chaise, driven by his groom, when the following dialogue took place :—" Master : A nice meet- ing, John ?—Servant : Very nice meeting.—Master: What did you think of the number of Bibles sent out in all languages to all the world,—more than a hundred millions of Bibles ?—Servant: Its amazing.—Master: I suppose you know how many a million is, John ?—Servant : Ohl yes, I know, at least I know very near, —it's a'most a thousand." As you say, all very big numerals
convey the same general notion.—I am, Sir, a., C. N.