The Russians publish nothing of what is going on south
of the Balkans, and the Turks exaggerate all events, but it seems certain that Suleiman Pasha is retreating towards Philippopolis, that he turned at bay at Tatar-Bazardjik, and that he was beaten and compelled to continue his flight. If the Russians, as is stated, are also at Tchirpan, Philippopolis may be taken before he can arrive there, in which event he will be forced to surrender, with his whole force. He would be enclosed between General Gourko's force, which is pursuing him, and General Mirsky's, which from Kezanlik, through Tchirpan, is out-racing him. It is rumoured in Constantinople, according to some telegrams, that a catastrophe has already occurred, and that Suleiman is a prisoner ; but Con- stantinople is on the verge of a panic, and a bad interpretation is placed on everything.