19 JANUARY 1901, Page 1


THE war news during the week has been very meagre. Generally it may be said that no progress has been Made by the raiders in the Colony, who still maintain their policy of avoiding all collision with the British forces. At the same time the arming and organising of the Colonial forces has gone steadily forward. Martial law has now been proolaimed throughout the Cape with the exception of the ports. The attack on the communications has not been renewed, but the latest news from Lord Kitchener (published on Friday) reports a concentration of three thousand Boers at Carolina. It is also reported that Colville's mobile column has repulsed a Boer attack with heavy loss. Probably there will be important developments during the coming week, for there are signs of great activity at Pretoria. On the whole, we believe the situation in South Africa to be slowly improving. We are glad, however, that the Govern- ment has taken the precaution of calling for five thousand more Yeomanry and five thousand extra Volunteers. Though the call has only been announced two days, it is evident that it will meet with a hearty response.