Mr. Baldwin had a simple task in defending the charac-
ter of the King's Speech. " It is the constitutional duty of the Government to meet the House of Commons and to take its verdict on proposals which they think would improve the position." The party amendments to the Address have already been Waled. The Labour amend- ment is to be moved by Mr. Clynes on Thursday after we have gone to press. It is a motion of " No confidence," so framed that the Liberals are bound to vote for it.
It is settled, however, that the division will not take place till next Monday, as the list of speakers is long. Moreover, many Labour Members have expressed the wish to hammer the Government thoroughly before dismissing them. The cat will not forgo the delight of playing with the mouse ; and it can do so with even wore than the usual confidence that the mouse wi l not escape, as there happens to be an angry-looking dog waiting in the background.
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