Mr. Ramsay MacDonald described the King's Speech as being like
" the stock in trade of a penny bazaar." Most of the items, he thought, had been borrowed from the Labour Party. But his real reason for wishing the Government to go was that " new minds " were required. In foreign polities the Government had failed, and the conditions in Central Europe were " absolutely deplor able." He asked whether the Government had really abandoned Protection. He would like an explicit assur- ance. The only part of Mr. MacDonald's speech to which we feel entitled to object was that in which he talked about the Prime Minister having " raised class-hatred " in the country. We wonder what Mr. MacDonald has been doing with his eyes and ears. Much though we see to criticize in Mr. Baldwin's recent policy, we have been deeply impressed by his sympathy, which has clearly embraced all classes, and those who arc unemployed more clearly than anybody else.
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