M. Venizelos is again Prime Minister of Greece. Great Britain
has recognized his Government and thus dip- lothatic relations are re-established between this country and Greece after an interval of over a year. His great and immediate task is to decide whether Greece shall be a Republic or a Monarchy, and, What is more difficult, to get a measure of universal consent for either decision. The King to-day is in exile, euphemistically termed " three months' leave of absence." M. Venizelos hopes to hold 'a referendum of the whole country as to whether he should return or whether a Republican regime should be established. It is impossible for Englishmen not to follow the fortunes of Greece with something more than the interest which they devote to other Balkan States. If her civilization draws upon incomparable traditions, its actual standard to-day is perceptibly higher than that of her neighbours, while in M. Venizelos she possesses the one really remarkable figure of South-Eastern Europe.
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