How ineffective were the efforts of the Afghan Governor and
his troops to bring the murderers to book was evident from the fact that up to Sunday they were stated to be living with their families in the hills which divide the Afridi country from Afghanistan. A Peshawar 'cable to the Times on Tuesday contained the welcome news that the Kohat murder gang have surrendered to the Afghan Government. The friction-mongers of Moscow have spread the fable that Great Britain has demanded from Afghanistan the breaking of relations with the Soviet Government—a statement devoid of all foundation. Since the Ang1O-Afghan Treaty was signed three years ago the attitude of the British Govern- ment has been scrupulously correct. No civilized -Government could have acted otherwise. Let us hope tkat the Paris Press, before making further statements 'on the subject Of Afghanistan' and its relations to the 'British Empire, will take the trouble to ascertain `the facts.