19 JANUARY 1934, Page 1

A Success for Nanking The capture of Foochow by Nanking

troops seems to indicate that the rebellion in Fukien is virtually sup- pressed. Some doubt still remains, owing to the astonish- ing vicissitudes that Chinese military operations habitu- ally undergo. But the fact that this particular operation has not undergone any in itself strengthens the im- pression that the authority of the Nanking Government is growing. So to all appearances is the military talent at its disposal, for it seems clear that the aeroplanes which the Government had at its command were a decisive factor in the recent warfare. If this reading of the situation is accurate it is satisfactory, for the one immediate hope for China ..is an extension of the authority of the Central Government of Nanking, assisted, in civil matters at any rate, • by such disinterested advisers as the League of Nations can provide. There is still another Government at Canton in rather indeterminate relations with Nanking. but practically independent of it. Sooner or later that situation must end, but, China being China, it can quite well end by agreement and compromise. The approach- ing enthronement of Mr. Pu Yi as.Emperor of Manchukuo changes only in appearance the situation in that filched province, whose independence is still unrecognized by any -State except Japan.

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