19 JANUARY 1934, Page 18


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—A cogent reply to Sir Harold Bellman's le:t2r defending the purchase of the Codex Sinaiticus (which is, to my mind, intellectual snobbery, and serves no useful purpose whatever) is provided by your note on National Drama and Opera.

No one has ever denied that a National Theatre would be valuable to Art and Education. The argument has always been " we can't afford it." Yet this Government, which came in on an economy stunt, can afford to spend £50,000 on this manuscript and thinks the public ought to find £50,000 more. (The public evidently thinks otherwise.) What I want to point out is that even a £50,000 grant for a National Theatre, added to the £100,000 which is in hand already, would enable a start to be made, and would draw in other funds, heId back now because the scheme does not seem practical.

Money for an ancient text—one of several—one already reproduced for scholars. No money for Shakespeare !—I am, Sir, &c.,