IN FERMENT SIR,—Mr. Darsie Gillie has attempted to bestow upon
the four French spies now awaiting trial in Cairo a diplomatic character they do not legally enjoy. After the uncovering of this French subversion and espionage case, the Government of the United Arab Republic issued a statement in which it fully expounded the legal status of the chairman ono members of the French Commission. This statement. copies of which were distributed in this country, explained that Article 6 of the Zurich Agreement between the UAR and France stipulated that a commission composed of a limited number of French experts was to be formed to offer its good offices. in matters relating to French citizens' property, to the Egyptian Sequestration Authorit,es. The article added that the presence of the said Commission was temporary and that the Commission was to stay only till it fulfilled its assignment. The Commission, the article went on to say, was to be given such facilities as were deemed necessary for the execution of its assignment.
On September 16, 1959, the UAR promulgated a law granting the chairman and members of the commission the following privileges on a basis of reciprocity: (a) Immunity from all legal processes in acts they performed in their official capacity.
(b) A non-diplomatic identity card.
It is therefore obvious that the French Com- mission was not a permit diplomatic mission but had a temporary assign and a very limited com- petence and enjoyed only restricted facilities, the determination of which was left to the discretion of the UAR Government. The members of this Com-
mission were not accredited diplomats to the UAR and their names did not appear on the diplomatic list of the UAR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It results therefore that with the exception of immunity from legal processes in acts performed in the fulfilment of their assignment, the Com- mission and its members are, in respect of acts carried outside these limits, subject to: (a) The principles of territorial laws Embassy of the United Arab Republic [How can Mr. Anis know the four Frenchmen are spies if they have not yet been tried/—Editor. Spectator?)