From the surgeon
Sir: 'Poor woman, poor potential human' (5 January) — these are the emotions we all feel about abortion, but how sad that the text following this title concentrated on the distressing practical details in the oper- ating theatre, without more than a glimpse of the tangle of events that cause unwanted pregnancies and the complexity of the decisions made by these unhappy women. At least 25 per cent of women reading The Spectator will either have had an abortion or will feel that an abortion is essential at some point in their lives.
Amanda Craig's article has increased their distress considerably without giving them help in understanding the marginally controllable factors that result in unwanted pregnancy, or in coping with the associated anxiety and guilt. I support women who decide to have abortions and accept their view that the destruction of the foetus is less wrong than continuing the pregnancy at a time when they feel that they cannot cope, either with being pregnant or with being a mother.
All abortions are performed with regret, but the potential life of the foetus is of lesser value than the actual life of the woman. All involved in the operating list at which Amanda Craig was a privileged observer are disappointed by her account of her experience and are disgusted by the tasteless and grotesque illustrations that appeared with the article and on the cover of the magazine.
David Paintin
Samaritan Hospital, Marylebone Road, London NW1