19 JULY 1879, Page 23

The Church Missiomary Atlas. With Thirty-one Maps, Chronolo- gical Chart,

&c. (Church Missionary House : Seeleys.)—This is the sixth edition of a work which was originally published in 1857. Its originator was the Rev. W. Knight, but in its present form it is, to a great extent, the work of the late General lake. It is needless to Bey that it is a moat interesting work. It certainly will throw a new light, for many readers, on the question of missions. We may miss, indeed, the vast movements which brought the Teutonic races in the fourth and following centuries within the pale of the Church ; but it is idle to say them missions are a failure. This book is a refutation quite sufficient, and even this, as the compilers say, is already incomplete. Within the few months that have passed since its going through the press, new stations have been occupied. We should like to see a map which shows the result of the combined missionary efforts of Christen- dom. The Church Missionary Society cannot be blamed for limiting themselves to their own work, but it would be well if we could see all that is being done. Some very interesting historical and descriptive matter accompanies the maps. We may also note, as a valuable addition, a "Language Map of. India."