We note with satisfaction that Mr. Gosling is introducing a
Bill to give his Ministry the power to plant trees along the sides of the new 'roads. At present the local authorities have not the power to do this. It is felt, and in our opinion very properly, that while vast sums are being spent on the new arterial roads, their attractiveness would be enhanced if the Ministry had power to plant trees _ along them. UnenieStionably Louis XIV. and Napoleon added greatly to the beauty of the French countryside by their pertinacious planting of poplars along the great roads. • We would like to see a great deal of variety in the planting. Poplars make a delightful avenue, but so also do beeches and oaks. For ourselves, we should Like to see the experiment of fruit trees apples, pears, and cherries=tried, and especially apples. The thing has been done in Germany, and the fruit is gathered by' the Ineal authorities for hOSpitalS and other public purposes. It is alleged, hoWever, that the British boy is so much- lesS regidated than his German confrere that not an applewould remain on the bough the moment the first touch of colour appeared on it. We are not sure, Even boys can be induced by proper suggestion to respect a taboo. .
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