19 JULY 1946, Page 14


Sna,—This Government is, as is indeed obvious from its actions and appearances, a Beer and Whisky Government. Mr. Dalton has informed a listening world that he " enjoys a glass of beer," and Mr. Bevin announced to an interested House of Commons that he " sticks to whisky." Well—to quote Mr. Dalton again, though he was referring to super-tax payers—" they can afford to pay " for it out of the £5,000 a year they draw from the taxpayer. There is, however, a large and estimable section of the community which is accustomed to find solace in a little wine, now unobtainable or beyond its means. When, therefore, the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer next sit down to their beer and their whisky, will they kindly remember these less fortunate of their fellow-citizens, and arrange for the importation of some wine at moderate prices? Man cannot live by bread alone ; indeed, at

present, he cannot even try.—Yours faithfully, ERIC SUTTON. United University Club, I Suffolk Street, S.W. r.