ACROSS 1 Does he trade in counterparts, the deceitful fellow? (6, 6) 9 Where to meet a girl at bar (9).
10 Nutritious porridge for the sober (5).
11 To get a West Country delicacy requires an acrobatic feat (6).
12 Has Mrs. Mop got the key to this? (8) 13 'My — flew in feathers then' (Hood) (6), 15 Chief of the roasters for the fleet? (8) 18 A star sups here in the evening (8).
19 'The young —, The whiskered votary waltz‘and war' (Byron) (6).
21 Captain John's an impudent fellow (8).
23 A Scot kindly inquires, with lances, it seems (6). 26 Yards that are as planes (5).
27 '0 be less —, or be less brief' (Watson) (9).
28 In moderation you'll find excess (12). (7).
8 They can't stand competition with kind hearts (8). 14 Where the steeple-jack finds his elevation? (8) 16 He's a sound chap even if his calls are unwel- of come (9).
17 'Which they ate with a — spoon' (Lear) (8).
18 Does the Grosvenor Road gallery have anything in the shape of a spear? (7) 20 Determine to decide about mixed loves (7), 22 James gets on in classical style (5).
24 Where to find a French shoemaker in the end (5).
25 'I held it truth with him who sings to one clear ' (Tennyson) (4). DOWN 1 No dyspeptic, evidently, who prepares these summaries (7).
2 Flower arrangement for a pie? (5) 3 Most indiscreet, however you put it (9).
4 Appointment among the palm-trees? (4) 5 This parish is in the skies (8).
6 You'll find it, needing a blow, in December (5).
7 Probably not the king's favourite sort of suiting
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary dad a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on July 29 sad addressed: Crossword No. 949, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on August 2 Solution to No. 947 on pageI 19 The winners of Crossword No. 947 arc: Ma. A. POPE 11 GrOS‘11.11104, Road, Northwood, Middx., and MR. P. NICHOLS. 48 Church "'” Whetstone. N20.