19 JULY 1957, Page 7

AND WHILE I am on the subject, my congratula- tions

must also go to Sir Bruce Ingram, who has now been editor of a national journal for longer even than C. P. Scott, of the Guardian. Talk of 'beating the record' seems to me to be a little inappropriate on this occasion : the two editor- ships are hardly comparable, as Scott had to pro- duce six Guardians for every one of Sir Bruce's Illustrated London News. Still, it is a remarkable achievement on the part of Sir Bruce, who was eighty a few weeks ago—not that you'd notice. I feel he has not been given sufficient credit for the popularisation of archieology in this country (the programme 'Animal, Vegetable and Mineral' would not have been so successful if it had not fallen on eyes that had already been opened). And anybody who blames the collapse of the fourpenny Picture Post on television may be inter- ested to know that the sale of the Illustrated London News, which costs six times as much, is actually increasing.
