19 JUNE 1830, Page 19



W. D. GILBERT and T. GILBERT, Leadenhall Street, opticians-STUART and Co., Malta-BROWN and Co., Sheffield, Britannia-metal-smiths -RE vxo L DS and M'FAa. LAN, Wood Street, Cheapside, silk-weavers-R. CLAXTON and T. CLAXTON, Nor- wich, tallors-WArsanousa and SCOTT, Sheffield, file-manufacturers-Mmao and Tunx nom., Glasgow-G. Ross and D. Ross, Billiter Street, City, wholesale grocers-Wt LCOCE and MAasit, Leigh, Lancashire, doggers-1311)mm and CHAP- MAN, Artillery Court, Chiswell Street, hard confectioners-GRIFFITH ss and COIL. RIB, Pool, Montgomeryshire, attormes-at-law-J. CROSIIER and G. CROSHER. Leicester, woolstaplers-WniTCno RCH ana BE R ID a E, Melton Mowbray, surgeons -GAnsosx and JAcons, Barbican, clothes-salesmen-ALDRICH and WI xscom, Whitchurcb, Hants, haberdashers-HEWETT and Joass, Naples-Basseavitts and BURMINGHAM, Hertford, haberdashers-THRELFALL and Co., Liverpool, brewers-BROWN and LOGAN, Liverpool, chain-cable-manufacturers-Enweans and JONES, Liverpool, common brewers-EvAxs and WRIGIIT, Shiffnal, Shrop- shire, farmers-MARTEN and Bo we RS, Cross Lane, St. Dunstan's Hill, warehouse- keepers.


June 14, NAGINGTON, WILLIAM, Bilston, Staffordshire, victualler. NowLAND, MARY ANNE, Liverpool, feather-dresser.


ASPINWALL. GEORGE, Manchester, commission-agent. GREEN, BEN /AMIN, York, corn-miller. ISAAC, LE wrs, and IsAAc, IsAAc, Manchester, furriers.


BARNES, CHARLES, Kingston-upon-Hull, earthenware-dealer, July 2, 3, 27: so. licitors, Mr. Barbor, Fetter Lane; and Mr. Young, Lane End, Stoke-upon-Trent. BARTRAM, SAMUEL, St. Mary Street, Whitechapel Road, coach-maker, June 13, 25, July 27: solicitor, Mr. Hudson, Great St. Helen's. BILTON, Jon N, Newman Street, Oxford Street, lodging-house-keeper, June 18,24 July 27: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. BURNIE, WILLIAM, Birchin Lane, clothier, June 22, 29, July 27: solicitor, Xt. Burt, Mitre Court, Milk Street, Cheapside. CHADWICK, JOHN, Leeds, victualler, June 22, 23, July 27: solicitors, Messrs: Hardwick and Guest, Lawrence Lane ; and Mr. Lee, Leeds. CROMACK, GEORGE, Leeds, cloth-manufacturer, July 2,3, 27: solicitors, Messer. Blakelock and Fiddey, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street; and Messrs. Nicholson and Barr, Leeds. DIVER, RICRARD, Great Yarmouth, chemist, July 6, 7, 27: solicitors, aressrsi. Swain, Stevens, Maples, Pearse, and Hunt, Old Jewry; and Mr. E. R. Palmer, Great Yarmouth. ELT. HENRY, Great vermouth, blacksmith, July 5, 6, 27 : solicitors, Mr. Ayton Dlihnan Street, Bedford Row ; and Mr. C.J. Pahner, Regent Street, Gt. Yarmouth* EVANS, WILLIAM, Liverpool, grocer, June 29, 30, July 27: solicitor, Mr. Wil- liamson, Liverpool. FAWLEY, Jottx, Berwick Street, Oxford Street, ornamental painter, June 22, 29, July 27: solicitors, Dressrs. vrtmilistar and DuclalersbilIy• FITZE, WILLIAM, Shepperton Place, New North Road, builder, June 22, 29, July 27: solicitors, Messrs. Sheffield and Sons. Prescott Street, Goodman's Fields. FLOWER, HARDY' Welling, Kent, chemist, June 25, 29, July 27: solicitors', , Messrs. Bostock and Younghusband, George Street, DIansionhouse. GOODALI„ JAMES. Monmouth, nurseryman, June 29, 30, July 27: solicitors, Mr. Pugh, King's Road, Bedford Row ; and Dlr. Philpotts, Monmouth. HASLO p, THOMAS, Bury St. Edmund's, saddler, June 18, 19, July 27: solicitors. Mr. Walter, Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. J. Wayman, Bury St: Edmunds.

Boon, THOMAS and BENJAMIN, Leeds, woollen-cloth manufacturers, June 21, 22, July 27: solicitors, Mr. Wilson, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; and Meson. Payne and Eddison, Leeds. HUDSON, SAMUEL, Birmingham, apothecary, June 29, 30, July 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Cohnore, Birmingham. LATOUR, PETER Anotrsrus, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, dealer, Jutle25,, 29, July 27: solicitors, Messrs. Charsley and Barker, Mark Lane. LESSON, WILLIAM, jun., Nottingham, hosier, June 22, 23, July 27: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Percy and Smith, Nottingham. - MILLER, ROBERT Chester, brewer, July 6, 7, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Philpot and Stone, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; and Messrs. Finchett, Maddock, and Son, Chester. MILLGATE, THOMAS, Friday Street, Manchester-warehonseman, June 18,22, July 27: solicitor, Mr. Davison, Bread Street, Cheapside. NORCOTT, WILLIAM, James Street, Covent Garden, wine-merchant, June 22, 29, July 27 : solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street. OWEN, THOMAS, Gledrid, Shropshire, innkeeper, June 22, 23, July 27: soli. citors, Messrs. Blackstock and Bunce, King's Bench Walk, Temple; and Mr. Har- per, Whitcharch. PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH, Halifax stuff-merchant, July 2, 3, 27: solicitors, Messrs; Evitt and Co. Haydon Square, dinories ; and Mr. Craven, Halifax. REID, ANDREW, Bishop Auckland, Durham, draper, June 22, 29, July 27 : soli- citors, Mr. Taylor, Clement's Inn ; and Mr. H. J. Marshall, Durham. SCOTT, WILLIAM, Norwich, bombasin-manufacturer, June 28, 29, July 27: so- licitors, Mr. Lythgoe, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. J. Winter, St. Giles's Broad Street, Norwich. Tow:vans:in, ROBERT, Great Yarmouth, mast-maker, July 6, 7, 27: solicitor* Messrs. Taylor and Roscoe, King's Bench Walk, Inner Temple; and Mr. Hicklimb Lowestoft, Suffolk. TUCKER, RICHARD, and TUC/LER, THOMAS, Tower Royal, wholesale stationers, June 22, 29, July 27: solicitor, Mr. Richardson, Ironmonger Lane. WALKER, WI Lir am, sen. and WILLIAM WALKER, jilt]. Knaresborough, drapers, July 1, 2, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Strangways and Walker, Barnard's Inn; and Mr. Gill, Knaresborough. WHITAssa, Roar, New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, linen.draper, June 18, 25, July 27 solicitor, Mr. Turner, Basing Lane, Cheapaide.


July 6, T. and P. Nichol, Cornhill, merchants-July 6, Nicholleg, Grosvenor Square, dentist-July 6, Hole, Woodbury, Devonshire, tanner-July 2, Highmore, Royal Exchange Gallery, merchant-July 6, Turnley, Lad Lane, Manchester-ware- houseman-July 7, Burrell, Wakefield, cloth-merchant-July 8, Wilson, Bolton, Shopkeeper-July 1, Harnell, Blakeney, Norfolk, tailor-July 6, Hindhaugh, New. castle-upon-Tyne, innkeeper-July 8, Lowe, Ashted, Warwickshire, dealer in iron- July 6, Anderson, Waterloo Place, bookseller-July 7, Fortunato, Liverpool, mer- chant-July 7, Kay, Bolton-le-Moors, money-scrivener-June 25, Holloway, West- minster Road, hackneyman-July 6, Allwright, Strand, cheesemonger-June 29, R. and W. Petherbridge, Whitechapel, linendrapers-July 6, Coppock and Cross, Gutter Lane, silk-warehousemen- Iuly 6, Rayner, Bow, Middlesex, mast and block- maker-July 6. Hillman, Lower Thames Street, dealer in glass-July 6, Collins, Brompton, victualler-July 6, Thomas, Piccadilly, coach-proprietor-July 7, Costde, Hetton- le-Hole, Durham, innkeeper-July 8, Townley, Castle Donnington, Leicester, cotton-spinner-July 7, Walmsley, Kingston-upon-Hull, grocer-July 8, Fletcher, Worksop, blacksmith-July 8, Lever, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer-July 8, Mullen, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer-July 7, Beard, Liverpool, brass-founder.

CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 6. Lawes, Basingball Street, coach-proprietor-Robins, Ivy Lane, Newgate Street, publisher -Lineam, Bristol, mason-Hawke, Penzance, baker-Pearce, Bodmin, Cornwall, chemist.

Friday, June 18.


W. and G. TAYLOR, Cainscross, Gloucestershire, grocers-SWAN and AVER, Ringston-upon-Hull, attornies-BRADBURY and DENT, Oxford Arms Passage, Warwick Lane, printers-ANDERSON and JAMES, Vauxhall, steam-engine manufac- turers-W. and T. VENABLES, High Street, Whitechapel, linen-drapers-HOR RAE and Co., Salford, Lancashire, bat-block-manufacturers-Cu LLIFORD and Co., Bath, coach-makers-J. and E. LANE, Bristol, cabinet-makers-KENNET and REIJGATE, Lime Street-Lows and HUGH es, Whitchurch, Shropshire, mercers-SETTLER and Son, Cam, Gloucestershire, clothiers-G. and R. TURNER, Chafford, Kent, and Bermondsey, paper-manufacturers-LowLEss and STUBBS, Copthall Court, Throg- morton Street, solicitors-M. and J. AGATE, Horsham, Sussex, grocers-Ms:Lima and Co., Clarksfield, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-WooDHILL and Sons, Birming- ham, merchants-HOLOATES and KAY, Burnley, Lancashire, cotton-spinners- FORD and BENNIS ON, Lambeth Butts, pill-box-makers-LEABE RR V and SMITH- SON, Kingston-upon-Hull, bookbinders-BARER and WINTER, New Arlesford, Southampto n, surgeons-S LOWMAN and SE s. SHERD, Philpot Lan e,(Fen church Street, wine-merchants-Hrcss and WHITEHEAD, surgeons-P. and H. CURTIS, High Street, St. Diarylebone, coal-merchants-TERRY and COULTHERD, York, confec- tioners-MACIENEY and BURMAN, Canterbury, iron-founders-W. and J. BUCKLEY, Rochdale, Lancashire, wool-dealers-HARDT. and LUMB, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, milliners-Patna and J. &W. Bo as HA al, Islington, brewers ; as far as regards J, BOREHAM-HopasoN and RATCLIFF, Upper Bryanston Street, St. Marylebone, wheelwrights-WAD/us and Co., Manchester, fustian-manufacturers; as far as re- gards WADKIN-Pops and HOLLINGDALE, Stroud, Kent, grocers-J. and R. F. IN- max, Market-Weighton, Yorkshire, surgeons--STANCLIFFE and HARMITAGE, Leeds, wharfingers-HA RRIS and BAKER, Woodsgate, timber.merchants-AutToN

End Con s EN, Bradford, Yorkshire, wine-merchants-BECK and Co., Strand, seeds- men-FULLER and FARROW, Barking, Essex, shipwrights-Passr and Sasso an, Fakenham, Norfolk, schoolmistresses-Ns Av s and PENNEY, Poole, Ne wfoundland- rnerchants-YELLOWLEES and BRUCE, Edinburgh, coach-makers-W. and G. WILSON, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, grocers-J. and J. SLADE, Devizes, attor- Dies-GRAPE and BAKER, George Street, Shoreditch, blue-manufacturers-FREE- MAN and CALHOUN, Arundel, Sussex, attornies-CALVERT and Co., Campion Lane, Thames Street, brewers ; as faras regards J. Fo STER.


Jane 16.-J0ANSTON, GEORGE, Union Street, Lambeth, commission-agent.


ATKINSON, WILLIAM, Meek/MIMI, Yorkshire, wool-stapler.

DEmrsTER, JAMES, Mitcham, Sorry, schoolmaster. GASKELL, NICHOLAS, Wigan, Lancashire, iron-master.

HOOPER, JoHN WILLIAM, and BORROWS, CHARLES, Adam Street, Adelphi, seine-merchants.


FARRIS, THOMAS, Canterbury, money-scrivener, July 5, 6, 30: solicitor, Mr. Cross, Surry Street, Strand.

FORD, WILLIAM, and RENMINS0N, WILLIAM, Lambeth Butts, pill-box-makers, Zone 25, July 2, 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Carter and Gregory, Lord Mayor's Court, Royal Exchange.

INNER, PATRICK Ross, and WILSON, HENRY, Millbank, coal-merchants, June 29, July 2, 30 : solicitor, Mr. Simpson, Austinfriars. SCOTT, WILLIAM, New Village, Yorkshire, linen-draper, June 25, 26, July 30 : so- licitors, Messrs. Rosser and Son, Gray's Inn Place.

SHACKLETON, JOHN, Skipton, Yorkshire, innkeeper, July 12, 13, July 38: soli- citors, Messrs. Still and Raymond, Lincoln's Inn New Square. WALKDEN, THOMAS, Islington Green, china-dealer, June 25, July 2, 30 : solicitor, Mr. Duncan, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

WILLETT, THOMAS WILLIAM, Ernest Street, Ilegent's Park, cheesemonger, June 25, July 16, 30: solicitor, Mr. Roe, South Square, Gray's Inn.

WHITE, JoHN GUBB/NS, Dlinchinhampton, Gloncestershire, coal-merchant, June 29, 30, July 30: solicitors, Messrs. seettmm, Freeman's Court, Contain.


July 2, Beattie, St. Paul's Churchyard, pocket-book-maker-July 9, Hay, Oxford Street, tobacconist-July 9, Chapman Bagnigge Wells, common-brewer-July 9, Rix, Brighthelmstone, linen-draper-July 9, Gould and Co., Upper Ground Street, Blackfriars, coal-merchants-July 9, Atkinson, Oxford Street; oilman-July 9, Sraales, Aldersgate Street, stationer-July 9, Hodge, Bow, linen-draper-July 9, Fall, Bread Street, factor-July 9, Hammond, Piccadilly, draper-July 9, Blundell and Co. Bankside, Sorry, iron-merchants-July 9, Christie, Mark Lane and Man- chester, merchant-August 10, Cuthbertson, Borough Road, linen-draper-July 9, Brown, Maldon, merchant-July 13, Williams and Co. Houndsditch, comb-manu- facturers-July 9, Saxon, Oxford Street, chinaman-July 9, Mayne, Jermyn Street, Westminster, banker-July 9, Marshall, Basinghall Street, Blackwellhall factor- Tilly 9, Downing, Smetkwick, Staffordshire, iron-master-July 14, Yates, Stafford, banker-July 9, Whitaker, Loughborough, Leicestershire, flour-dealer-July 13, Tongue Birmingham, toyman-July 9, Reynolds, Shobrooke, Devonshire, tanner, July 9, W. and S. Bothwell, Elton, Lancashire, bleachers-July 9, Nicholson, Brad- ford, Yorkshire, earthenware-manufacturer-July 24, Strafford, Kemptown, Sussex, builder-July 19, Cotton, Neithrop, Oxfordshire, boat-builder-July 9, Benson and Co., Aston, Warwickshire, chemists-July 13. Woodward, Liverpool, merchant- July 12, Chapman and Co. Harrington and Liverpool, timber-merchants-July 14, Binns Keighley, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-July 17, Shapley, Bath, grocer-July 10, Wright, Bodmin' Cornwall, linen-draper-July 10, Tunstall, Worcester, hop- Merchant-July 9, Vesey, Exeter, linen-draper.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 9.

Lawrence, jun., the Park, Shropshire, miner-Barham, Mark Lane, victualler- Sampey and M. and E. Field, New Bond Street, milliners-Erwood, Brownlow Street, Holborn, billiard-table-manufacturer-Gribble, Barnstaple, linen-draper- Child, Walcot, Somersetshire, builder-Neale, Bennett Street, Blackfriars, book- seller-Crooks, Cornhill, tailor-Thackway, Ledbury, Herefordshire, stationer- Hayton„ Kingston-npon-Hull, broker-Pain, Bentinck Street, Westminster, dealer In beer-T. and G. Neville, Doddinghurst, Essex, farmers.


FALCONER, GEORGE, and KILPATRICK, WILLIAM, Edinburgh, carriers, June 23, July 7. KERR, JAMES, Glasgow, merchant, June 21, July 6.

Lams, WILLIAM, and Co. and LANE, Trmorsiv, Leith, merchants, June 21, July b.

TELvoitD, JAMES, and BELL, ALEXANDER, Ayr, timber-merchants, June 25, July 16.