The Chronicle of this morning, in an ultra-loyal effusion, invokes
the support of the people for the Queen, who is represented as having per- sonally engaged in the contest with the Opposition.-
" On the point of confidence or no-confidence in the Anti-Monopoly Minis- try, her Majesty and the Tory majority are at issue. Her Majesty's confi- dence in her official advisers is undiminished. This is evinced by the fact of her dissolving the Parliament on their advice. It is the strongest testimony that Royalty can give the public. • * • Every loyal subject is invited to aid in the rescue of his Queen from having Ministers forced upon her who are
not entitled to her preference, nor possessed of her confidence. * * •
" The election is a Royal appeal to the people. It is her Majesty's protest against a Tory and Monopoly Government. With the spirit- in- which such a Government, should it ever be formed, must needs be conducted, the Queen has already had one quarrel. * " * It is the Queen and No Monopoly, the Queen and No fresh Taxes, the Queen and Cheap Bread, the Queen and Free Trade. • • * On Sunday is the anniversary of her Majesty's ac- cession to the throne of these realms. With that deep devotion, which is the forerunner of determined exertion, will every good heart that responds to the groanings of millions under the oppression of monopoly, adopt the prayer ap- pointed for the day : Do thou weaken the hands, blast the designs, and defeat the enterprises of all her enemies, that, supported by thy power, she may triumph over all opposition.'" [Namely, the Opposition.]