19 JUNE 1841, Page 12



There has been so little business doing here, in consequence of the election- eering excitement, that our report of the week's operations is reduced to very narrow limits. Money has become more easy, and the general appearance of the Money-market is firmer. The purchase of 75,000/. Reduced Three-and-a- half per Cents., to which we alluded in our afternoon's report of last Saturday, has given a tone to this description of Security ; and the price, which before that operation was 9711 I, rose immediately to 98, and has today been at 98k. Consols for Account have not been higher than 89A, but Reduced Three per Cents. have been done this afternoon at 89*. There were buyers of both at 89; at the close of business. A considerable sale of Bank Stock was made on Saturday and Monday last ; but the operation was kept so secret that it did not transpire till some days afterwards. The price of the security in question has been depressed to 167i ; but has again rallied, and is quoted at 1681. Ex- chequer Bills have been heavy, and the premium has declined to 4s.; but has slightly improved, and is 5s. to 7s. The announcement of a loan of 7,500,0001. (75,000,000 florins) for the Aus- trian Government, has caused a little stir in the Northern European Bonds. Though Austrian Five per Cent. Stock has been offered at 108, no bar- gain has occurred in it, and the only actual business transacted has been in Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., which have _declined to 54. The South American Bonds, which had rallied slightly from the depression of last week, have given way again, and today Old Columbian were sold for Money at 20*, and New Columbian at 204: this depression was occasioned by the sale of 15,000/. Stock, an amount which, under ordinary circumstances, would have produced but little effect upon the market ; but in the present limited state of business is important. The others are heavy without any busi- ness ; as are Mexican. Portuguese Bonds are also without variation. Spanish Active Stock has continued its downward course, and has today been done at 214. The price had continued steady at 22/t till yesterday morning, when some sales made by brokers who act for Dutch capitalists, depressed the market, and the decline has gone on today until it reached ill : the market has since improved, and closes rather firmly at 21; 22. The Shareholders of the Danube and Mayne Canal have been greatly sur- prised to find that the remittance for the last dividend, due on the 15th instant, instead of being made at the usual rate of 4 per cent., viz. 10 florins per coupon, has only been made at that of 3 per cent., or 74 florins per coupon, with an intimation that the lesser rate will be the one adopted for the future. This reduction of the dividend is in direct contravention of the terms upon which the capital of the Shareholders was embarked in the undertaking ; as the Bavarian Government then guaranteed an interest of 4 per cent. upon the amount of the Shares, which has been regularly paid from the year 1837 to the present period ; and the present reduction of the dividend has been made without any communication with the Shareholders, and was quite unexpected. The Shareholders have generally declined to receive the reduced amount of dividend; and a memorial to the Bavarian Government is now in course of signature at Messrs. ROTHSCHILDS', pointing out the injustice of the course adopted, and protesting against the bad faith evinced in the present reduction of the dividend.


The market continues in the same state as yesterday, and is firm at the quo- tations previously reached. Reduced Three per Cents are again marked 89k, and there are buyers of Consols for Account at 89k. Exchequer Bills are the same, viz. 5s. to 7s. premium. The only variation in the Foreign Market is in Spanish Active Stock, which is higher, viz. 22 to g : the others nominally at yesterday's quotation. Brighton Shares, which within the last two days have fallen to 21. per Share, and have been as low as 7 discount, have improved, and are today at 6g discount. The cause of this depression is to be found in the delay in the opening of a portion of line, which has been postponed for a period ten days beyond the date originally fixed.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 31 per Cent. Ditto ... shut 891 4 894 1 9784 4 Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents. Coosa

204 21 771 81 524 1 264 74

New 31 per Cents shut Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 33 4 Bank Stock 168 169

Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841..

284 4 Exchequer Bills ..... .......

5 q pm.

Ditto 3 per Ceuts 191 20 Iudia Stock 298 Russian 5 per Cents ..... ... 1121 134 Brazilian 5 per Cents 671 8 Spanish (Active) 22 4 Belgian S per Cents

100 1 SATURDAY. FOUR o'Croex.

Prices of all descriptions are the same as in the morning; Consols for Account closing at 898 g. In the course of the day a bargain has occurred in Consols for Money, at 891. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved ls., and is now 6s. to 8s. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same as in the morning. Brighton Shares have, however, improved nearly 10s. per Share, and after being at 68 discount close at 68 to 6 discount. By the West Indian packet, arrived this morning, advices have been received from Jamaica to the 14th May, and from the other islands to the earlier days of the same month. We regret to find that the accounts brought by this arrival are very unsatisfactory ; business being entirely at a stand, and remittances of any kind impracticable, from the difficulty attending the sale of goods and the collection of outstanding accounts.