FOREIG (Last Official Quotation during Alabama Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Arkansas (1863) 6 - -
Austrian 5 - 1064
Belgian 5 1004
Brutal:la 5 - En
Buenos Ayres 6 - 22 Cuba 6 - - Chilian 6 - 604 Columbian of 1824 6 204 Dumb 3 - 771 Dutch (Ex 12 Goilders) 21 - 524
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 994
French ex. d.3 761. 75c.
Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 --- Illinois 6 - -
Reutacky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling') 5
Maryland - ... 6 - 75 Massachussetts(ster1ing)5 ---
Mexican S 264 Mines-- Butanes Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cate Branca.
Cobra Copper Railways-
Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Mauchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham.... Loudon and South-Western London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover liter Cent. Consols Ditto for Account
Saturday hfimday. Tuesday.
shut 89 ex d. 89
B per Cents. Reduced
881 881 881
d4 per Cents. Reduced
New 3e per Cents. 98 shut 974 974 Long Annuities 12* 12i 121
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock 104 1694 shut 168 168 Exchequer Bill. 2#4. p. diem 7 Pm- 5
India Bonds. s4 per cent. 1 dis. Par ---- BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
6 4 1 pm. 1 - 894 89 974 121
121 1684 89 89 984
124 1684
894 894
984 7
the Week ending Friday Evening.)
(Last Official Quotation
Ditto (Deferred) 5 p. Ct.
Ditto Ditto (Deferred) 6 Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 5 Neapolitan. 5
New York (1855) 4
Ohio 6 Pennsylvania 5 Peruvian 6 Portuguese 3 Ditto 5 Ditto (New) 5
Russian 5
Spanish S D
Ditto Passive) Deferred)
South arolina 5p. Ct. Tennessee 6 - United States Bank Virginia 5 - 1134 • 22
57 33
81 884 144 194
69 364 344 214 121
421 331 100 70 964 24 SHARES.
daring the Week, ending Friday Evening.) Banks-
Australasian - British North American - Colonial - Hibernian - London and Westminster - London Joint Stock..
- National of Ireland National Provincial
9 Provincial of Ireland
- Union of Australia
1904994 Docuioks Cn of Loudon -
431 East and West India 18 Loudon - St. Katherine 157 Miscellaneous- 531 Australian Agricultural
134 British American Land
53 Canada 88* General Steam 66 South Australian 15 Van Diemen's Laud BULLION.
Bold, Foreign In Bare.....per os 81. Ifs. Sd. Old Spanish or Pinar Dollars 0 0 0 Mexlean Dollars 0 4 104 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 5 04
GRAIN, Mess LANE, Jane 18.h.
The supply of English Wheat during the week has been moderate, and very little, was left over this morning from previous market-days. The fine weather has rather a dull effect upon the trade, but there is not the slightest disposition to take less money for good fresh samples. In Foreign Wheat there is no great deal of business doing. but prices are held firmly for the best qualities. More inquiry prevails for Grinding Bar- t,* , and there are very few samples on sale for a hid, higher rates are demanded. In Beaus and Pease there is no change worth notice. Having haul rather a large supply of Oats front Ireland. though short of English corn• the trade is slow, without. however, any reduction in the prices of good fresh and heavy samples. In Malt and Flour no alteration.
Copper, Copper, British Cakes..per soon:101. 0.. to 01. Od.
Iron, 13 lash. rises 7 0 0- 0 0 Lead. I. iit*h Pig 19 10 0- 20 0 Steel, Euaiieb ........ 82 0 0- 80 0
AVER AGE PR CES OF CORN. Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat eta, 24. Rye. ..... . .. 34s•1141.
Roney SO 0 Beans 98 2
Oats DI 6 Peas 38 9
Town-made per sack 33.. to 57s.
Seconds 30 - 55
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 45 - 50
Norfolk and Stockton 40 -- 45
BRAN perquarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os.
BREAD, rid. to Sid. the 41b. Lost.
Hay, Good
Inferior New Clover
Stns., Wheat
OILS, COALS. CANDLES. Rape Oil .....,.. ..... per tun 441. 6s.
Refined 45 0 Linseed Oil 27 0
Lis-eed Oil, Cake per IOW is to CAN DLES,oer doses, 7s. Od. to Hs ed. Moulds(ed. p er dos. discount) Os. ed. COALS, Helton ... ...per ton /is 641.
Tees 205. sd.
Wheat.RedNew50 to 56 Pine 56 .. OH
White 50 .. 32 Fine 34 .. so
ZiaserrineNevret180 :: ri:
O. S.
Rye 90 to 40
Barley 28 .. 00
Malting as .. 34 Malt, Ordinary 34 55
Fine 50..64
Peas. Hog as .. 40
Maple 401.49
White 14 .. 403 Boilers to 31. Beans, Ticks.. 85 57 Old 40 .. 42 klanow. . .. 39 .39
s. .
Oan,Reed kJ to 24 Fine 04 .. 25 Poland .. 57 Fine 27 .. 29 Potato 27..58 k 20 80
DUTY ON PORisiON CORN For the 1 resen• Week. Wheat 44. 0: Rye 189.3d. i Barley I6 10 Resins 12 6
I Oats 13 0 Peas 12 0 PROVISIGNS.
BUTTER-Best Pre.h, 134.0d. per lox. Carlow, 01.0s. to O. PS. per cwt.
BACON. Small New, per cwt. 594. to Ws,
CHEESE. Cheshire 63s. to 54s. Derby, Plain 07.. to 76a - HAMS. Fork 70s. ts 884.
EGGS, French_ per ISO 4s. 9d to 6s. Ed.
HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
94s... 100s 86 92 0 .. 0 75 .. 84 0 .. 0
114 120 80 115 90 118 118
42 .. 46 .... 40 .. 44 38 45 98 42 HOPS.POTATOES.
Rent Pockets ............ ......... 100s. to 140s. !Scotch Reds per too Ms. to 60s.
Choice Dato
o 0
IRO -too Dine Ware Sussex Pockets 100 - 120 Middling 0 - 0
130 - 160 Chats
0 - 0
Beef as. 451. to 40. 04. to 4a. 41. Ss. 4s. 4d to 4s. ea- Mottos 5 6 .. 4 0 .. 4 4 ... ..... 8 8 .. 4 4 . 4 10 Teal 3 4 .. 4 0 .. 4 10 4 0 .. 4 14. 5 8 Pork 3 8 .. 4 4 .. 4 10 4 a .. 4 8 . .. 4 14 Lamb 4 0 .. 5 4 .. 5 8 5 0 .. 0 0 .. 5 10
• To sink the offal-per8lbs HEAD OP CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beasts. Skean. Calves.
IS 6
Monday 2,594 33.580 ........ 165
TEA, Schen, fine, p. lb. Gs. (Si. - Oa. Rd.
Congoo, fine 0 0 - 0 0 Souchong, fine 0 0 - 0 0
• In Bond-Dwy lb. Id. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in 15d) p.esn. 112. 131s. Gond Ordinary 77S. 85s. SUGAR, Mum credo.. per cwt. 57s. 8d. West India Molasses.. 055. to 29s Od.