The English Fends evinced symptoms of weakness on Monday; but they soon reified. The fluctuations of Consols for Account have ranged between 871 and 861, as the pressure of other Stocks upon the market occasioned a demand for money, or the investments of the public have rendered it plentiful. The general result of the week's business has been to establish the closing quotations of today within 6 per cent of the highest. Business has not teen on an extensive scale, though the occasional oecurrence of a large bargain has produced an effect upon prices. Money is in more demand than usual at the Stock Exchange; and the rate of interest upon loans for short periods is from 4 to 5 per cent. The meet impart- ant recent feature is the improvement in the premium of Exchequer Bills; the price of Which has risen for the large (1,0001.) bills to ha premium, for 6001. bills to 15s. premium, and for 1001. and 2001. to 20s. premium; thus marking a very decided improvement not only in the value of these securities but in the tone of the market for than. r In the Foreign Market, some large transactions have occurred in Portuguese Bonds; to which the improted appearance of political affairs in the Peninsula has given increased currency. At one period they were in demand, 331 having been Obtained for the Four per Cent Bonds marking an advance of 44 per cent froth the lowest price of last week. Stock has since been brought to market, and the closing prices this afternoon indicate a decline of between one and two per cent from the highest point. There seems now to be but faint hope entertained of the payment of the July dividend upon this stock in line course. An adver- tisement having appeared giving intimatidn of the payment of the dividend due On the 80th instant upon the Spanish Three per Cents, that stock has expe- rienced a trifling advance, and has reached 85. The Active Stock is heavy, in consequence of the decline that has occurred in Madrid. The business in the other Foreign Bonds has not been of such a character as to require remark; prices may, believer, be generally quoted at a trifling advance. The Railway Share Market is much. firmer, .aspetialby for the More important class of dividend-paying shares, which have all been negotiated at higher prices than those of our last report. Upert the settlement of the Account, on Tuesday last, the jobbers and dealers were generally shed of shareft; the demand thus oc- casioned having given an impetus to prices. The quid/diens of today do not in- dicate so much firmness in the market; being generally rather lower than those of yesterday. The French Shared are all lolvet; but the transactions have been unimportant. leitetarlay, TwELVE MCLoMr. The return of the Bank of England for the week ending the 12th instant ex- hibits a continuance Of a steady onward prcgreas of improvement. The stock of bullion has increased 120521.; the public ceposits, about d20,6307.; other depo- sits &beta 77,0001.; and the stock Of Mieinployed hetet; about 280,0001. The amount Of notes actually in circulation 18,117,060; and that of bullion in store in both departnientd, 10,858;851E Th6 English Pundli ate intich firmer; Consols for Account having been dent dt -881, and the present ptice being 88f 1. The business occurring is, however, unimportant. No change or transactions of moment in the Foreign Market The Railway Shares are generally firmer; the following are the only bargains as yet recorded: Caledo- nian, 801 i; Eastern Counties, IN 1; Ditto, York Extension, 61; Great Northern, 24; Great North Of England, 234; Great Western, Half-shares 70; Leicester and Bedford, I discount; North-western, 1791 9 8; South-western, 661; Midland, 124; Ditto, New 501. Shares 61. paid,91; North Staffordshire, 106; York and Newcastle, 871; Ditto, New,
The English Rinds close at an advance of * per cent upon our morning's prices; Geese's for Account being 881 4. The inisineal Of the afternoon has been on a limited scale, but the purchases have _predominated. the Foreign Mafkist, the transactions have been confined to theibllowing: Chilian 'Defetted Stock, 521; Danish, 841; Mexican, 20*; Portuguese Peer per'Cents,-32A 811; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 681. It will be seen that Portuguese Bonds are heavy; the Mock of recent sales still pressing on the market. In the course of the morn- ing a general advance occurred in most of the Railway Shares; but later in the day a disposition to realize deaths to have promoted sales, and almott all the final quotations indicate decline. The following are the principal bargains lade the morning: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 17f; Ditto, NSW 1.4. Caledonian, 30f 4; Ditto, Half-shares, 2; EasteeriConnties, 20.1 f; Date; Yoik Extension, 61 61 Ditto, Half-theees, 70 691; Ditto; &w, 8*8; laincatifet and Carlisle, 621; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 544 6; London and Norfh-Westetn, 1791 9 80 781; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B., 71 70; London and Sbuth-weetern, 661 6 661; Midland, 124 2/ f; Newcastle and Berwick, 2814; North Staffordshire, 101*; York and Newcastle, 871A; York and North' Midland, 86 54 6; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension 214; Boulogne and Amiensi 166; Northern of France, 114 ; Paris and Lyons, I; Rouen and Havre, /66 6. 3 per Cent Consols shin Danish Spec Cents 63 5 41 j Huteh 21 per Ceiite ssa Ditto 4 Or Cedtt. 894 90
Ditto' for Account
New Grenada 194 264
Mexican per Centil 1646 20
91.16 19fi POrbiguesb New 5p. Cis. inal 31 3 7 20 ratite. Permilan. 66 6 shut Russlan 5 per Ceilfs 110 112 821 44. SpaniAli (Active) 51of Cents 224 98 5 DIGO 3 per COHN MSC 14 a Venezuela 39 41
3 pier Cent Reduced
Prtnirletorr Capital £14,569,090 1 Government Futurities ad-
Hest 3,441,460 eluding Dead Wel5litAtttafty411,7111,/01
fatale Gepoeite 8,69,7,619 1 Other Securities . 17.813,469
Other Dapoilta 8,278,131 , NOMA 5,575,261 Seven Day and other Bills.... 791,0211 1 Gold and Silver Coin /64,928 415,67.141 I 'ess,Yete41
• hatiuding Exebequer,RaVitigieBatiii,D1mitnesioners of Minimal Debt&DIVidend Accounts.
31 per Cents
Long Annuities
Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents
Belgian per Cents Buenos Ayres 6 per cent.... 37 9
Chillan 6 per Cents 91 3 BANE OF ENGIAND.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Vletorla, cap. 32, for the week mane on Saturday the 12th day of June 1847. =HE inteearsixret. trotetteilied A23,693,925 GOVerMhddt Dent . X11,014;109
Other Securities 1,984,980 Gold Coin and Bullion 8,143026 Silver Bullicrn 1,449,000 £23,392,923 E23,693,922