The debate in the French Chamber of Deputies on the
proposition to reduce the duty oil salt, has Manned in a defeat of the Ministry, on Wednesday. The hum- bees being 264 for the reduction, and 14 against it. On Thursday, the Chamber proceeded to discuss the demand of the Chita& of Peers to exanune M. Emile Girardin; and the debate was proceeding with great aniniation down te the hour of post. Inlits current number, the Revue des Deux Afondes accounts for the official corruption in France by the long duration of the peace; "calm and prosperity ener- vating the mind" M. Legentika l'eer of Ftence and a ineniber of the commission eppointed to etatitine a lima de loi for regulating the employment of childten in factories, has published a sort of pamphlet on the subject. The writer dates his little work &Om the Velley of Fouday, in the Vosges mountains, the teat of many neatly established factories. He proposes "an international lato, which shall reduce the duration of labour to— hours a day" in all the countries of Europe—"Une lot internationale qui rednirait le travail manufacturier a — heures par jour."