The Danzig Disorders The disturbances of the past few days
in Danzig are sinister. There appears to be no doubt that the aggressors were the Nazis, who are in a state of permanent anger at their failure, at the last elections, to secure a majority sufficient to enable them to carry a motion for the revision of the constitution of the Free City. An article in another column from a writer who has recently been in Danzig throws an alarming light on the methods of terrorism whereby the Nazis, in that city as elsewhere, are trying to retain the domination which they might easily lose if the electors dared to cast their votes freely. The worst aspect of the situation is the intimate relation maintained between the local Nazis at Danzig and the National Socialist Party in Germany. The Danzig Nazis are led by a German organiser, and the Chief of Staff of the Nazi Storm Troops in Germany attended the funeral of the Nazi Danziger who was killed in the fracas of last Friday. Though the Danzig constitution and the relations between the Free City and Poland are under the protection of the League of Nations the League's powers in Danzig are strictly limited. The sound course would be for the League to despatch a small international force to keep order in Danzig, as it did in the Saar, but for that Danzig's assent is needed. * *