When the present beach generation Have lost their tans, and are pushing pens In the back room of the supermarket, Putting up with that perpetual winter Called gainful employment By government and moneylenders, It will be time to see what they stood for, Weighing regret against pleasure.
When the rising young executives Have risen, and their suits are being tailored Just that little bit more behind the fashion But much more expensively, and taking Six weeks off instead of four, And going to Jamaica instead of Majorca, It will be time to see what they stood for, Weighing regret against pleasure, Who will reach conclusions?
Only the beach boys and the power men Past and present, taking the form Of sadness or petulance. Both wasted, Both neglected the best, and find themselves Appearing in sermons by poet and clergymen.
What is the best? Not idleness, not careers.
The only answer is to live quietly, miles away.
Douglas Dunn