19 JUNE 1971, Page 7

Bridal path

The newspapers gave nice coverage last week to the 'secret' wedding of Hayley Mills and film man Roy Boulting at Cap d'Ail: plenty of pictures of Hayley looking radiant (in white, of course), and Roy, looking, as ever. like a satisfied tortoise. I was confused, though, by young Hayley's saying, 'Before we went we had dinner with the families and told them what we were going to do.'

I cannot imagine which families, apart from her own, she meant. Certainly not Mr Boulting's. Unlike his brothers, he has not been on visiting terms with his mother for many years; nor was he with his late father.

Nor can I think that Miss Mills was re- ferring to Roy's previous spouses, of whom most of us have now lost count, for that would raise too many problems of pecking- order protocol. Would, for instance, Sir Leslie Gamage's niece. Jean, take prece- dence over Angela. daughter of Edmund Warnock, Attorney-General in Lord Craig- avon's government?