Sir: I think John Grigg is quite wrong in stating (29 May) 'that when the names of Ibsen, Grieg and Munch have been mentioned, the catalogue of Norway's famous sons is just about complete'.
Has Mr Grigg never heard of Bjoernson, Undset and Hamsun, all three of them winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature? Has he never heard of Nansen, equally famous as explorer and as statesman, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize? Has he never heard of Amundsen who beat Scott to the South Pole?
Incidentally, you should not judge a country by the number of famous sons it produced and who sometimes have proved anything but a blessing for their respective countries. Napoleon left France beaten and bankrupt and Rhodes left England quite a little headache.
Apart from that point John Grigg's commentary on the SNP was excellent.
Karl Hildebrand Lohengrinstr. 18, 33-Braunschweig, Germany