On the 9th March, in Eaton Square, the Lady of :Sir JOHN Tuortow, Bart.. of a son and heir.
On the 10th, at Lyddial Rectory, Recta, the Ladyof the Rev. CHARLES Maxwxrs, of a son.
On the 11th. at Shenley Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. Wita.tatit R. Ham., of a son. On the 11th. In Eaton Square. the Lady AGNES Brae. of a daughter.
On the 12th, the Lady of the Rev. PERCIVAL Faosor, of St. John's College, Cambridge, of a son.
On the lath, at Biggin House, Northamptonshire, the Wife of the Rev. M. W. Warns Rousts., of a daughter.
On the 13th, at Liutou, Cambridgeshire. the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES GRAIN, of a daughter. On the 13th. at St. Helier's, Jersey, the Lady of Witmait DITMAS, Esq.. of a son. On the 14th, at Glisnevin House, near Dublin, the Lady Maar LINDSAY. of • daughter. In Eaton Square, the Lady of Major-General D'Ort.v, of a daughter.
At Ballynascreen. Ireland. Lady ELIZABETH BROWNLOW, of a son.
On the 18th December last, at the Cape of Good Hope, THOMAS JOHN Fear), Esq., youngest sun of Colonel George Feed, C. B., lute of the Grenadier Guards, to PAULIN/ JANE BAYNES,youngest daughter of Captain J. L. White, of Theresa Place, Middlesex. On the 1st March, in Bangor Church, county of Down, DAVID STEWART KERR, Esq., M.P., to the Hon. ANNA Doacrruse BLACKWOOD, youngest daughter of Hans Lord Dufferin and Claueboyue.
On the 9th, at Parsonstown. Captain Strrrox, Forty-seventh Regiment. son of the late Admiral Sutton, to MARY ()coax, second daughter of Major-General T. Evano, C. B.
On the 9th, at St. Mary's Church, Melcombe Regis, JAMES DOUGLAS MOFFAT , Bengal Cavalry. only son of William Moffat. Esq. of Harperton, Roxburgshire, to Jzawrrrx Jaws, youngest daughter of William Moffat. Esq., Weymouth.
On the 10th, at St. Gorges. Hanover Square, Captain D000tsa, of Prince Albert's Hussars, only son of Archibald Douglas, Esq.. of Glenfluart, Argyleskire, to Rosa. daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, G. C. B.
On the 14th, at St. Giles's Church, Gsoaox WILLIAM Dossiroan, Esq., of Mornington Crescent, Regent's Park. to Mot HALE. Widow ofthe Rev. Richard Duncan Mackintosh, B.A., of Childwall, Lancashire, and only daughter of James Munro, Esq., of Lymington, Hauls. On the 14th, at St. Giles's Church, Gsoaox WILLIAM Dossiroan, Esq., of Mornington Crescent, Regent's Park. to Mot HALE. Widow ofthe Rev. Richard Duncan Mackintosh, B.A., of Childwall, Lancashire, and only daughter of James Munro, Esq., of Lymington, Hauls. On the 14th. at Kellington. Yorkshire, the Rev. CHARLES Pages. M.A., of Donhead St. Mary's, Wilts, to ELIZA, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Joshua Mann, of Clap. ham, Surrey.
On the 15th, JOHN GURNEY, Esq., of Earlham, near Norwich, to LAURA Erazattsre. daughter of the Rev. George Pease. of Norwich.
Ou the 15th, at Charlton. Kent, JOHN CHARLES, of the Inner Temple, third son of James Templer. Esq., of Bridport. to Hassan FRANCES, eldest daughter of Rear- Admiral Sir James Alexauder Gordon, K.C.B.
Ott the 15th, at Walcot Church, Bath, the Rev. THOMAS LANOHARNE, Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Warwick. to Erase CATHERINE, third surviving daughter of James Wintle, Esq., late of the Bengal Civil Service. and of Lansdow ne Crescent, Bath.
On the 16th, itt Stratton St. Michael's Norfolk, EDWARD HOWES. Esq.. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, eldest son of the Rev. George Howes. of Spixworth, to &INES MARIA, eldest daughter of Richard Gwyn, Esq., of Stratton St. Michael.
The Rev. T. Pam, Rector of Llanrothal, Hereford, to SARAH, daughter of the late Rev. T. Rogers, of Stourbridge.
On the 23d November. killed at Cabul, Afghanistan, Captain G. E. WESTMACOTT, of the Thirty-seventh Bengal Native Infantry, eldest sou of George Westmacod, Esq., of her Maiesty's Stamps and Taxes; in his 15:1 sear. On the 2.3d. at Cabui, Afghanistan, Lieutenant Hurter Lars°, eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Lasso, of Sussex Square. Brighton.
On the 23d, at Cabal, of wounds received in the sortie at that place, Captain Moues WALKER, of the Fourth Local Horse, second son of the late William Walker, Esq., of Brunswick Square and the linter Temple ; in his 32d year.
On the 2d January. at the Neilgherry Hills. Lieutenant HOBERT }Imams Youse, of the Second Grenadier Regiment Bombay Native lufantry; in Ills 29th year.
On the 10th February, at Malta, on his return to England, Captaiu E. W. CART:- WRIGHT. of the Twenty third Bombay Native Infantry, eldest sou uf the late Rev. H. Cartwright, Rector of Earnley, Sussex. On the 15th, at Florence, Sir Tamales SEvErrax, late surgeon on the Medias Establishment; in his 57th year
On the Sth March, at Saltsburg, the Widow of MOZART; in her 85th year.
On the 9th, in Athol Crescent, Edinburgh, the youngest daughter of Mr. ROBERT Citation's.
On toe 10th, at Balshara, Cambridgeshire, Miss MARIA DARRELL. youngest daughter of Marmaduke Dayrell. Esq., of Shudy Camps Park. Cambridgeshire. On the 14th„ at Alnwiek Castle, Northumberland, suddeuly. Archdeacon SirroLx-rox. On the 15th, at Gortlee, Letterkeuny, after giv ins birth to a daughter, which survives her. CASSANDRA JANE, the Wife of Lord George Augusta Hill.
Os the 15th, at Boulogne-sur-Mer, FRANCES, the Lady of Sir Stephen May, Bart. On the 16th. at Bristol, Lieutenant .Colonel Hexer Eurati, late of the Sixty-filth Regiment, and formerly of the Thirteenth Light Infantry.
On the 16th, at his house, St. James's Square. BERNARD EDWARD Howaso Duke of Noarour. Earl of Arundel. Surrey, and Norfolk, and Baron Fitzalan, Cluu, Oawalika- ire, and Maltravers in the Peerage of England; in his 77th year. On board her Majesty's ship Iris, on the coast of Africa, from the effo-cts of beer. WILLIAM VERNON DICKENSON, second son of General Sir William Ausou, Start.; to his 23d year. In Dublin, Lieut.-Col. ST. JOHN BLACKER, lion. East India Corepaufs eras
' ice.