&ram EXCHANGE. Paws: Arrirazoioa. The buoyancy in the English Funds, which was predominant at the close of last week, was maintained until Wednesday. Much steadiness had been exhibited, and, under the influence of the Australian news with large re- mittances of gold and anticipations of future shipments, would probably have improved, had not a demand for temporary accommodation caused some stock to change hands. Consols closed yesterday at 99f / for Money and 991 100 for Account. This depression of 1 had been partly caused by unfavourable opinions regarding the affairs of Austria and Switzerland, and the present condition of Italy and Hungary.Today the Funds are I lower : Consols leave off 991 I for Money and 99t for Account. Exchequer Bills have de- clined is.; closing at 9 13 premium. Bank Stock at the shutting was 228, and on Monday was quoted for the opening at 2281, 91. At the half-yearly meeting of Proprietors, yesterday, the dividend declared was 4 per cent clear of Income-tax : the profits for the last six months were 563,049/. and the "rest," after the division, 3,012,113/. In Foreign Securities, activity has prevailed in several instances. Russian Five per Cents have improved 1; and the Four-and-a-half and Portuguese, 1. The speculative descriptions inquired after have been Mexican and Spanish, in which a large business has been transacted : the former were done on Tuesday as high as 261, but have since declined 1. Spanish Three per Cents are higher, closing today at 91; Deferred, 241 1; Certificates, 71 8. Buenos Ayres and Sardinian have fallen 1; and Turkish Scrip f. Notice has been issued that the time for exchanging the Peruvian Six per Cent Stock for the Four-and-a-half per Cent has been extended to the 31st in- stant. The Scrip has declined to 31 41 premium, owing to sales to realize profits. The new Prussian loan of 5,000,000 thalers (750,0001. sterling) is to be brought out in Berlin as a Four per Cent Stock, and will probably be issued at par. Australian Agricultural Shares were on Tuesday at 112 116: from this price there has been a gradual decline ; today they are 103 108, and Peel River Land and Mineral, 61 7 premium. The Railway Market was steady at the commencement of the week. The settlement of the Account took place on Tuesday, and Stock was more plen- tiful than on the last occasion, and the "continuation" higher. Shares have since become flatter' owing to sales. London and North-western and Great Western were each 108. lower on Wednesday, and 5s. yesterday. On the latter occasion, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. Increase—East Lancashire, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 108. Decrease—Midland, 11.; London and North-western, and South-eastern, 153. ; Caledonian, Edin- burgh and Glasgow, Great Northern, Great Western, Lancashire and York- shire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, London and South-western, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 108. The following depression has occurred in French Shares—Paris and Orleans, 108..; Northern of France, Paris and Rouen, and Southern of France, 5s.; Parrs and Lyons has improved 15s. Today the English and Foreign lines are a shade lower, owing to the flatness in Consols.
The English Funds have been 1 lower this morning, owing to lower prices from Paris ; they have since recovered. Consols are now 94 4 for Money and 991 1 for Account. Foreign Securities have not altered. Buenos Ayres are 60 3, and Turkish Scrip 1 2 premium. The Railway Market continues dull; the following bargains have been recorded—Great Northern, 811; Great Western, 91; Eastern Counties, 13; Midland, 75. SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx. The English Funds have declined 1, Consols closing with rather a flat ap- pearance at 991 1 for Money and 991 f for Account. Exchequer Bills are 10, 14—a rise of Is. In Foreign Stocks, Sardinian is 1 lower, being now 961 71. Mexican has declined 4. Turkish Scrip has been done at 11 premium • and Spanish Certificates at 8. Australian Agricultural Shares have been dealt in at 102 5, and Peel River Land and Mineral 111 11. The Railway Market leaves off upon a decline ; the following are the latest bargains recorded—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 61; Caledonian, 641; Eastern Counties, 13; Great Northern, 81; Great Western, 904; Lancaster and Carlisle, 91; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 75S; Ditto Fifths, 101; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 104; London and North- western, 1181; London and South-western, 91; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 291; Midland, 744; North Staffordshire, 14; South-eastern, 774; South Wales, 37; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 691; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference' 9; York and North Midland, 5iffj-; Northern and Caledonian, Eastern, 5 per Cent, 64; Caledoni, 106; Chester and Holy ead Guaranteed 51 per Cent, 191; Great Northern, 5 per Cent, 1271; Great Western, fixed 41 per Cent, 107; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 149; North British, 1101; South Devon, 16; York and North Mid- land H. and S. Purchase, 101; Northern of France 361; Paris and Lyons, 271; Paris and Rouen, 44 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 331 • Western of France, 194. Mines—Brazilian Imperial Cocaes and Cuiaba, 4'; Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 301. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 93; Union of Australia, 78. Miscellaneous—Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 84. 3 per Vest Consols 994 1 Ditto for Account osi i
3 per Cent Reduced shut 34 per Cents shut Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 10 14 India Stock shut
Brazilian 5 per Cents 102 4
Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Chilian 6 per Cents 1065 Danish 5 per Cents 104 6
Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 24 per Cents 84 6 66 7 Ditto 4 per Cents 984 94 Mexican 3 per Cents 254 6 Peruvian Scrip 4 Portuguese 4 per Cents
384 94
Russian 5 per Cents
Us 20
Ditto 44 per Cents 1034 4 Spanish 3 per Cents 494 4 Ditto Deferred 244 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents 964 74 Austrian 5 per Cents 97 9