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The Queen continues to take carriage exercise and visit the theatres. On Saturday, her Majesty and Prince Albert drove to Sydenham and inspected the works in progress at the New Crystal Palace; and on Tues- day they visited the Duchess of Gloucester, at Gloucester House. They were present at the French Plays on Monday and Wednesday. Prince Albert, on Wednesday, presided at a meeting of the Royal Com- mission for the Exhibition of 1851.
The Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred accompanied their father on a. visit to the Bank of England, on Monday. The Queen has entertained a numerous and distinguished circle at the Palace; among whom are the Lord Chancellor and Lady Cranworth, the Duke of Wellington, the Earl and Countess of Eglinton the Earl of Malmesbury, Viscount Hardinge Sir James and Lady Graham, the Earl and Countess of Derby, Air Charles and Lady Mary Wood, and Sir John and Lady Pakington. Her Majesty gave a juvenile party yesterday, to celebrate the birthday of the Princess Louisa. M. Houdin performed in the Picture Gallery. Among the company, were the Duke and Duchess of Nemours and three children, the Duchess of Sutherland and four children, and the Prince and Princess Augustus of Saxe Coburg and four children.