19 MARCH 1853, Page 7


Judge Perrin has been assaulted by a criminal in the dock at Berry As- sizes. He had just sentenced Dennis Connor to a year's imprisonment for robbery ; the ruffian mounted a seat in the dock, and hurled a stone weigh- ing at least two pounds at the Judge's head. The Judge saw the ruffian's atm in time to turn aside and stoop down, and the stone merely grazed his shoulder and neck. It appeared that the stone had been taken from the wall of the cell under the dock, and concealed in the prisoner's pocket. Judge Perrin censured the officers for not more carefully searching pia- Boners. According to the Irish journals, the " exodus " seems likely to be as great this year as last. Por some time past we have read weekly state- ments to this effect. Another complaint is, that in spite of so many failures of the crop and their fearful remits, the breadth of potatoes will not be materially less than heretofore.