19 MARCH 1881, Page 23

Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles. Edited by James Gairdner. (Printed for the

Camden Society.)—The documents which Mr. Gairdner edits hero are,—firstly, "A Short English Chronicle," con- sisting of three parts, viz., an abridgment of "The Chronicle of the Brute," Lydgato's verses on tho Kings of England, and a City . Chronicle written in the days of Edward IV., together with some later additions to the same manuscript ; secondly, Historical Memo- randa in the handwriting of Joint Stowe, the antiquary ; and thirdly, Brief Notes of Occurrences during the reigns of Henry VI. and Edward IV., written, it would seem, by a monk of Ely. There is much that is cmious in these documents, and something that is new in the way of historical material. Under the former heading comes a curious list of "longitude of men followyng " :- " Moyne, xiii. fate and viii. ynohos and di. Cryste, vi. fete and iii. ynohos. Oar Lady, vi. fete and viii. ynobes. Orystoferus, xvii. foto and viii. ynehos.'

King Alysaunder, lulu. fete and viii. ytiohes."