19 MARCH 1910, Page 2

Lord Crewe went on' to say that the only thing

that is really wrong with the Lords is that they do not fit into the party system. By this he means that they will not when the Liberils are in office endorse Liberal measures. But this conclusion comes perilously near to the statement that it is the duty of a Second House to say ditto to the First,—an interpretation of Lord Crewe's meaning which finds support in his declaration that though the hereditary principle is not unpopular, the exercise of their powers by the Lords is unpopular. In fact, Lord Crewe has got himself into a position analogous to that of the American politician who declared that he was " for the Act, but agin its enforcement." Lord Crewe is whole-heartedly for a double-Chamber system, but dead against that system being carried into operation. So might a doctor say :--" It is absolutely essential to your health to keep a bottle of cod-liver-oil in the house, but let me warn you in the most solemn way possible never to take a drop of it."