19 MARCH 1943, Page 21


(A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of thi. week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, March 3oth. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must rear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a aid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution end the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


1. Wheel, exclusively for women,


8. Eastern wall.

9. When this happens one must open another bottle.

to. "How happy could I be with either. Were t'other dear - away." (Gay.) 12. Surprising it should be made of slates.

13. It takes a century to chasten it. 17. There was a rift in Tennyson's. 19. Snakeshead, or a butterfly perhaps.

21. A friendly gesture.

22. It's funnier than the original.

25. A bit of gristle.

27. Daily saints.

29. " The - roared and we did buffet it." (Shakespeare.) 31. Help returns with a pick-me-up. 32. Needle-work.

33. It isn't a clear all about Eric.,


1. It sounds a first-rate catalogue.

2. Tennyson's rosebud garden.

3. Who best can suffer, best can do; best reign, who first Well bath -." (Milton.) 4. Suggestions of final objectivity.

5. Ruskin had two.

6. Alfred joins the Sappers head-first.

7. "Without sneering teach the rest to --." (PoPe.) to. Word-pictures? Just the converse. rt. Old gate-money of coral. 14. The first man in at the big match is a paid player. 15. Just about what Noah said when be heard the rain?

16. As the lyric might become. 18. Recounted by a Shakespeare idiot. zo. One shouldn't.

23. A ready man.

24. Worn by plus men?

25. Cricketer before meat.

26. Deduct. 28. Cut in a coat. 30. Use this to call Tim.