The Reverend Mr. Hinton, on Wednesday, commenced a course of
lectures on National Religious Establishments, at the Devonshire Square Chapel, Bishopsgate Street. Thu object of the reverend gen- tlemen is to refute the arguments of Dr. Chalmers.
A meeting of the proprietors of the Provincial Bank of Ireland was held yesterday ; at which the main business was a declaration of dividend, and a statement of accounts. The dividend is four per cent. on the hulf.year; and the statement of accounts showed a rest of 9.4,8731. Pia. lid. on the 3Ist of March lust; the net profits for the year ending the same day were 47,3741. 19s. 1 Id, This was of course satisfactory, and all passed off pleasantly.—Globe.
The Directors of the Southampton Railway, with a party of friends, and several noblemen and gentlemen, went on the railway from Nino Elms to Woking Common on Saturday. The distance, twenty-three miles and a half; was accomplished in forty-five minutes. At Woking Common the party lunched, and returned to town in forty-three mi-
nutes. There was no accident ; and the motion on the railway is described as very easy and pleasant. In the evening, a party dined at the Clarendon, to celebrate the opening of the railway. Mr. East- hope, Chairman of' the Company. presided, with the Duke of Sussex on his right and Lord Carnarvon on his left hand.