It is currently reported that John Dunlop, Esq., the Member for Ayrshire. has re-igned his seat, on the score of ill health, awhile Lord Kenmore ha: already taken the field on the Conservative inter rest. His Lordship, we understand, will be opposed by Lord Dudley Stuart. We give this rumour as it reached us, without in any way vouching for its accuracy.—Glasyow Courier. [The report of Mr. Dunlop's: resignation is incorrect ; though we regret to say that there
i is truth n the statement respecting his health. Lord Keiburne is already in the field ; for the Tories are not over scrupulous in these matters. Should there he a vacancy, occasioned by Mr. Dunlop's retirement, Lord Dudley Stuart will offer, what we have no doubt will be a successful, opposition to Lord Kelburne ; and the movement of the Tory party renders activity necessary on the part of the Liberals. But Lord Dudley Stuart, we have good reason to know, is not eager for the resignation of Mr. Dunlop ; and should a dissolution occur, and Mr. Dunlop again become a candidate, he would receive Lord Dudley's strenuous support.]