The Cork Southern Reporter states, that at the Skihhereen Petty
Sessions, the Reverend Mr. Traill, Vicar of Skull, was lined ;ih for presenting a pistol at one of his Roman Catholic flock, on the high. road, on the return of the reverend gentleman from divine service cot Sunday. In giving this case, the Reporter reminds its readers, that the Reverend Mr. Trail is one of the clergy of the diocese of Cork, who, in petitioning againnt the settlement of the Tithe question, have described themselves as the chosen "ambassadors of the Lord," and that he was one of the parties in the hushed-up libel canoe, in which one of the " ambassadors " accused another of perjury, jealousy, revenge, and every species of enormity.
On Sunday last, an attempt was made to murder Mr. Thomas Ellis of Hermitage, in the county of Longford, as he was going to church, Accordirg to the account in the Dublin Evening Mail, Mr. Ellis
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"was fired at from behind a hedge, in liriskill; several slugs ma through his horse's neck, and thirteen through his hand ; one of his fingers ins In ohm Ile rude iuto Ncwtownfurbes in the moat deplorable state, without a hat, and covered with Wood. A tenant of his own, named l'runty, a Roma Catholic, was close to Mr. Ellis at the time, but did not afford hint the
s:ightest ;tssistaiice. PHs called to him to watch the ASSilS609 19 he rode away ; io.t the v.:loins were suffered to escape ; and up to the present nit there has been no apprehension or elite to the dinawery of them."
A ease long ',roiling came on for final hearing and was determined on Tecolety, in the Consistorial Court of Cloyne, before the Reverend 1). Iliegston. The lady of the Reverend Dr. Desmond, of Tallow, sought :a separate maintenance from her husband, for abusive and pani. monious betray:rem towards her ; and was awarded 90/. a year. Oneof the charges of parsimony against the learned Doctor was, that be raked down the tire at night. The Doctor did nut go into any defence.